A novel paradigm to achieve sustainable regeneration in Historical Centres with Cultural Heritage
At European level, consensus exists on the fact that cultural heritage is a significant driving force in the European economy, society and culture….
At European level, consensus exists on the fact that cultural heritage is a significant driving force in the European economy, society and culture….
The Trajan Arch in Benevento is one of the most important and well preserved monuments of the roman empire, although along its history…
Le nuove metodologie ed i nuovi materiali consentono oggi strategie di intervento per l’innalzamento della sicurezza sismica degli edifici monumentali con tecniche compatibili…
The Valley of Gragnano is one of the pearls of the Monti Lattari park both for its beautiful natural Mills (flora, fauna, water…
Tendon system have successfully been applied to historical structures for earthquake protection in several occasions, being probably the earliest case the Collegiate of…
In Italia esiste un vasto patrimonio edilizio ed infrastrutturale caratterizzato da un’elevata vulnerabilità nei confronti degli eventi sismici come recentemente e tragicamente hanno…
ICOMOS Italia-Working Group on Emilia Romagna seismic event At 04:03:52 Italian time, a strong earthquake lasting twenty seconds of seismic moment magnitude equal…
Le coperture geodetiche, realizzate da strutture particolarmente affascinati, risultano fortemente sensibili a condizioni di carico non simmetriche e, pertanto, vanno progettate con attenzione,…