
To build means to realize dreams, no matter if they belong to a single individual or an entire community. A dream, it is known, is all that you would like to have or, sometimes,what you live for. Here, the designer is called into question with a delicate task, where nothing can be pre-assembled or pre-defined; the solution then, in both in designing a new building of retrofitting and valorizing of the “existing” is the result of a rational intuition, which is necessary to materialize the idea / dream of others. The construction site is, however, the place where the idea takes shape with material and geometry and, where necessary, the place wherethe courage of correctiontakes form. LACE is a multimedia lab that relates the profound relationship between research, design and testing in the Designer’s doing and being, be it an engineer or architect.

The ambitious idea of telling as research and experimentation bind together in a whole is not new in engineering. LACE, far from wanting to compare or relate in any way to the experience much more significant of distinguished architects and engineers, wants to share experiences, the small ones too, of which the designer has to think along the way. LACE shows, in fact, part of the numerous activities. To this aim, the instrument of the web, with jumps, reports and redirects, allows to investigate (perhaps better analyze) the multiple aspects, the different points of view and multi-cultural approaches, sometimes very complex, at the base of the reasoning and experimentation.

The experiences described in LACE are the result of intensive and extensive relationships, not always simple or easy. Many people contributed and are contributing to research, design and testing; all participated with enthusiasm in the development of ideas, sometimes particularly innovative. PEOPLE and RELATIONS pages, continuously updated, tries to describe as simple as possible these relations: past, present and ongoing.

LACE is a multimedia lab and as such does not have a defined physical location. The ambition is to create a book that can be read anywhere, describing and sharing experiences, certainly liable to improvement, applicable in every place.