Interactive Web App for Heritage monitoring and conservation – POMPEII Archeological Park
Il Parco Archeologico di Pompei ha sviluppato, nell’ambito del progetto digitale “Open Pompeii”, una web app innovativa utile ai fini di ottimizzare la conservazione del sito. L’app, frutto della collaborazione con la società Visivalab e il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile dell’Università di Salerno, permette il monitoraggio puntuale dello stato di conservazione delle strutture e dei reperti archeologici. Grazie all’integrazione di competenze multidisciplinari, facilita la segnalazione te
As part of the “Open Pompeii” digital project, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii has developed an innovative web app useful for the purpose of optimizing the conservation of the site. The app, the result of collaboration with the company Visivalab and the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Salerno, allows for timely monitoring of the state of conservation of archaeological structures and artifacts. Through the integration of multidisciplinary expertise, it facilitates timely reporting of critical issues by archaeologists, restorers and technicians. The approach, inspired by infrastructural monitoring, represents an evolution in the interactive management of cultural heritage, which, particularly in the case of the Pompeii Archaeological Park, presents a vastness that cannot be managed through traditional tools.